Kaylee's Adoption Story

Connecting with Kaylee's Birth Mother
We first heard from Jessika, Kaylee's birthmother, about 2 years after we had started the adoption process. Early into her pregnancy, Jessika knew that she wanted to make an adoption plan for her baby. Our case worker sent her our paper profile and then Jessika contacted us through email. It was apparent that she knew she wanted her baby to have a mother and a father. We continued our correspondence through email and about a month later met in person.
Chosen To Be Kaylee's Adoptive Parents
Jessika invited us to join her and part of her family for breakfast. It was nice to be able to sit down and talk with Jessika and part of her family in person. At the end of breakfast she asked us if we would be her baby's adoptive parents. We were overjoyed. Throughout the next four months we continued to correspond through email and build our relationship.
Kaylee's Birth
Kaylee surprised us by arriving 4 weeks early. Jessika requested time to bond with Kaylee during her hospital stay. We respected her wishes and came to meet Kaylee when she was two days old. We were able to spend much of the next day with Jessika and Kaylee before they were discharged.
The Placement Ceremony
The placement ceremony took place in the hospital chapel directly after Jessika and Kaylee were discharged. Jessika had invited her family and a few close friends. Kaitlyn's parents were also able to attend. Kaylee was beautifully dressed and cooperated while she had her picture taken with Jessika, us, and other family members. We treasure those pictures from that day. They help us remember how special it was.
Our Relationship Now
We have an open adoption. We share pictures and videos with Jessika regularly. On occasion we travel to visit in person.
After experiencing Kaylee's adoption and our relationship with her birth family, Kaitlyn's mom commented "Adopted kids are the most loved kids in the world". It is true that Kaylee is loved by many. She is cherished by her parents and her extended family and there is no question that her birth mother and birth family love her dearly as well.
We are grateful to Jessika for her careful planning and thoughtfulness, for her care of Kaylee while she carried her, for her resolve to give Kaylee what she felt would be best, and for her continued love of Kaylee.
Read a letter from Kaylee's birth mother.
We first heard from Jessika, Kaylee's birthmother, about 2 years after we had started the adoption process. Early into her pregnancy, Jessika knew that she wanted to make an adoption plan for her baby. Our case worker sent her our paper profile and then Jessika contacted us through email. It was apparent that she knew she wanted her baby to have a mother and a father. We continued our correspondence through email and about a month later met in person.
Chosen To Be Kaylee's Adoptive Parents
Jessika invited us to join her and part of her family for breakfast. It was nice to be able to sit down and talk with Jessika and part of her family in person. At the end of breakfast she asked us if we would be her baby's adoptive parents. We were overjoyed. Throughout the next four months we continued to correspond through email and build our relationship.
Kaylee's Birth
Kaylee surprised us by arriving 4 weeks early. Jessika requested time to bond with Kaylee during her hospital stay. We respected her wishes and came to meet Kaylee when she was two days old. We were able to spend much of the next day with Jessika and Kaylee before they were discharged.
The Placement Ceremony
The placement ceremony took place in the hospital chapel directly after Jessika and Kaylee were discharged. Jessika had invited her family and a few close friends. Kaitlyn's parents were also able to attend. Kaylee was beautifully dressed and cooperated while she had her picture taken with Jessika, us, and other family members. We treasure those pictures from that day. They help us remember how special it was.
Our Relationship Now
We have an open adoption. We share pictures and videos with Jessika regularly. On occasion we travel to visit in person.
After experiencing Kaylee's adoption and our relationship with her birth family, Kaitlyn's mom commented "Adopted kids are the most loved kids in the world". It is true that Kaylee is loved by many. She is cherished by her parents and her extended family and there is no question that her birth mother and birth family love her dearly as well.
We are grateful to Jessika for her careful planning and thoughtfulness, for her care of Kaylee while she carried her, for her resolve to give Kaylee what she felt would be best, and for her continued love of Kaylee.
Read a letter from Kaylee's birth mother.
Uriah's Adoption Story . . . coming soon
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