Reviews & References

I would have no hesitation recommending Kaitlyn and Tim as adoptive parents to anyone. I’ve seen Kaitlyn in stressful and demanding situations—even some caused by my own teenage angst —and know of her genuine love, patience, and authenticity. You couldn’t hope for a better family with whom to safely trust to place your child.
--Janessa Falke, Formerly coached by Tim and Kaitlyn

I would 100 percent recommend the Phillips as adoptive parents for someone looking to place a child! Wonderful people, very kind, Kaitlyn is way better than average in patience if you ask me and they are just awesome people. A very loving family! And if I didn't feel that way I just wouldn't post anything. They are fantastic!
--Holly Morgenegg, Neighbor

Kaitlyn Phillips is one of the sweetest, most caring, most responsible moms I’ve ever met. She goes above and beyond to be involved in her kids lives and to support them learning and growing!
--Aileen Trost, Uriah's Preschool Teacher

We would highly recommend Kaitlyn and Tim as adoptive parents to any mother who is looking to place her child for adoption.
We are the biological grandparents of their oldest daughter. When our daughter informed us that she was pregnant and was planning to put the baby up for adoption, we were heartbroken. Even though we were not in a position to raise the baby as our own, the thought of our grandchild being raised by someone outside of the family was hard to accept.
A short while later, our daughter told us that she had selected a couple that she was considering to be the adoptive parents for her baby and would like us to join her for breakfast to meet them in person. Kaitlyn and Tim were friendly, were kind, and very open about who they were and their desire to have a child. They also assured us that we would continue to be a part of our grandchild’s life. It really did not take long to know that we would approve if our daughter decided to select this couple to raise our grandchild. By the end of the meal, our daughter slid the ultrasound photo across the table and asked Kaitlyn and Tim if they would raise her baby.
When our grandchild was born, Kaitlyn and Tim were patient and understanding as they waited for our daughter to spend some time with our granddaughter. The first time we saw Tim and Kaitlyn holding our granddaughter, we felt at peace with the process. At the Placement Ceremony, which was held in the chapel of the hospital, we did not feel that we were giving our granddaughter away. We felt the unification of 2 families.
Our granddaughter is now 8 years old. She knows where she came from and knows us as Oma and Opa. Kaitlyn and Tim have done an amazing job keeping us up to date on Kaylee. We receive monthly emails filled with photos and videos. We call and talk to Kaylee on a regular basis. Recently, we had the opportunity to visit Utah and spend some time with Kaylee. Tim and Kaitlyn are amazing parents. We had a great time!
We feel through this adoption that we have not lost a granddaughter but have extended our family tree.
Jim and Kris Heckman, Kaylee's Biological Grandparents
We are the biological grandparents of their oldest daughter. When our daughter informed us that she was pregnant and was planning to put the baby up for adoption, we were heartbroken. Even though we were not in a position to raise the baby as our own, the thought of our grandchild being raised by someone outside of the family was hard to accept.
A short while later, our daughter told us that she had selected a couple that she was considering to be the adoptive parents for her baby and would like us to join her for breakfast to meet them in person. Kaitlyn and Tim were friendly, were kind, and very open about who they were and their desire to have a child. They also assured us that we would continue to be a part of our grandchild’s life. It really did not take long to know that we would approve if our daughter decided to select this couple to raise our grandchild. By the end of the meal, our daughter slid the ultrasound photo across the table and asked Kaitlyn and Tim if they would raise her baby.
When our grandchild was born, Kaitlyn and Tim were patient and understanding as they waited for our daughter to spend some time with our granddaughter. The first time we saw Tim and Kaitlyn holding our granddaughter, we felt at peace with the process. At the Placement Ceremony, which was held in the chapel of the hospital, we did not feel that we were giving our granddaughter away. We felt the unification of 2 families.
Our granddaughter is now 8 years old. She knows where she came from and knows us as Oma and Opa. Kaitlyn and Tim have done an amazing job keeping us up to date on Kaylee. We receive monthly emails filled with photos and videos. We call and talk to Kaylee on a regular basis. Recently, we had the opportunity to visit Utah and spend some time with Kaylee. Tim and Kaitlyn are amazing parents. We had a great time!
We feel through this adoption that we have not lost a granddaughter but have extended our family tree.
Jim and Kris Heckman, Kaylee's Biological Grandparents

Tim and Kaitlyn are adventurous and love to learn.
--Danielle, Sister-in-law
- They met driving tour buses in Alaska and still have strong ties there.
- They both taught school in the bush AK where they learned some awesome skills from the culture of their indigenous students.
- They've recently put an impressive amount of work into flipping houses.
- Kaitlyn and Tim have been on a safari in Africa!
- Tim and Kaitlyn love to play games and learn new ones; they've passed this along to their two children.
- They know how to solve problems with, instead of for, their children because they listen.
- Whether it was discussing our infertility or the adoption process or even the possibility of grad school, they ask great questions.
- When tasked with organizing a family reunion for more than 60 people, they were not only organized but were able to prioritize everyone else's preferences.
- When the pandemic postponed our family reunion, they were flexible and prepared as well as listening to our various concerns.
- Not only are they great at hosting game nights but they know how to be fun and competitive without being too competitive.
- Tim has coached wrestling in addition to teaching and is now an administrator.
- Tim and Kaitlyn lead by example both as parents and as family: they live the golden rule.
- Tim is great at baking bread. Both he and Kaitlyn support their daughter's recent goal to become more independent in the kitchen.
- Kaitlyn has participated and/or coached competitive jump rope for 15 years and in multiple states.
- Tim and Kaitlyn regularly volunteer their time and talents in a variety of ways at church.
--Danielle, Sister-in-law